How it works

Let us know what you needs are and what developer(s) your looking for

Within less than 48h hours we will have atleast up till 3x candidates for every position to choose from

The candidates all needed to pass a series of tests which give them the garantee of quality by us. We are a proud partner of TestGorilla as well as have our internal technical exam and stress test. You will be presented with :

  • Candidates CV
  • Results from 3x specialized skills and technical tests
  • English and Personality test
  • A short 1minute Video where the candidate presents himself
  • Our final verdict

You choose the candidate who you feel suites best to your needs and we agree upon a official starting date

Candidate will start the onboarding process in your company with our full guidance and support.

Candidate will use our top of the line facility office where he has access to his personal Desktop set up with the highest specifications. We provide all our developers with free meals and open bar of healthy beverigdes. All our developers recieve a full medical private ensurance plan as well as many other perks and features. The well beeing of your Devs is our highest proirity! During the whole period where your developer works with you, we are there for any support, questions standing on the sidelines

You complete your 2 week period, and decided on how you would wish to continue with your develper. We will cater the best possible hourly / contract for your specific project needs.

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